Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired?

By: PeaceMonger

Is there anything new going on in Washington with the Republicans and the Democrats? Nothing is ever going to change until there are more than two viable political party’s.

Are you against the war?

Do you care about the environment?

Do you think everyone should have equal rights?

Do you want single payer universal healthcare for all?

Do you think it is time to stop the War on Drugs – and legalize marijuana?

Are you concerned about the national debt?

If you answered yes to most or all of these questions you need to be looking at the Green Party of the United States. I urge you to read their lengthy and in depth party platform.

Then I suggest you Google for Republican Party Platform. There isn’t one for 2008 that I found, and the others that pop up are not official platform statements, just speeches; in particular at Regan’s funeral. No platform statement? Is that because they don’t want us to know what it is, or because they are ashamed of what they are doing? I’m guessing the former.

The democrats do have a platform statement from the 2004 convention.

Although it is far better than the nothing the Republicans offer, it does not consider universal health care a right due all citizens. It continues the drum beat of war by increasing troop numbers, although it did not say how. It says a lot of things that now with 20/20 hindsight we can see that the Democratic Party platform is just a bunch of talk with no action.

Only the Greens have plans for ending poverty, and stopping the war, and the creation of a Department of Peace. Greens offer solutions not just spin to the energy crisis, but also resource management, and cleaning up the environment.

So please put on your calendars 7:30 each Tuesday night - meetings in Nashville at Bongo Java, 2007 Belmont Blvd.

Meet other Greens or folks just drinking coffee.

This election cycle, particularly here in Tennessee, we have Green Party candidates running against a weak democratic opponent that doesn’t really expect to unseat Senator Lamar Alexander.

Folks, if you are fed up with the crap in Washington, one nice way to send the establishment a shit burger is to vote for Green Party candidates. No matter what State you are in, there is a Green Party there. Get in contact with them, and get active.

Come meet other Greens:
7:30 PM
Bongo Java

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